Some of the most contentious issues in any Connecticut divorce revolve around the children. Each parent has his or her own idea regarding which parent the children should live with and how the children should be raised. While many parents are able to negotiate an agreement that allows them to work together in the best interest of the children, some parents are not. When this happens, child custody issues can become a concern.

Many parents want to be certain that their children are raised in a stable, protective environment. They attempt to shield the children from both physical and emotional harm. Additionally, they are careful in allowing new dating interests to become involved with the children until such time that the new relationship develops into one that is steady and long-term.

Recently, Amanda Stanton, a contestant on several reality television shows, ran into a child custody dispute with the father of her two girls. While she was a contestant on The Bachelor, Ms. Stanton allowed the girls to appear on the show and meet the show’s current bachelor. The girls’ father has expressed concern that this type of media exposure is having a detrimental effect on the children and their well-being.

Currently, the custody agreement regarding the girls indicates that they will live with their mother 65 percent of the time. However, with Ms. Stanton’s appearance in two reality television shows, the amount of time they have spent with her has not been consistent. In fact, they lived with their father during the most recent show, Bachelor in Paradise.

Changes in one parent’s lifestyle can often lead to child custody disagreements between Connecticut parents. While each parent wants what is best for the children, they do not always agree on how to achieve it. When child custody issues become a concern, it may be beneficial to discuss the situation with experienced legal counsel.

Source:, “Amanda Stanton’s Ex Takes Her Back To Court Over Child Custody, Child Support”, Mandy Robinson, Sept. 9, 2016