When it comes to children, the Connecticut legal system generally does its best to make sure that children are protected. One way that it does this is through its insistence on parents taking responsibility for their children by paying child support. The courts recognize that caring for and raising a child is an expensive endeavor that is the responsibility of both parents.

Each and every day, parents decide to separate. Often, this separation is in the form of a divorce; other times, it is simply the end of a relationship. Regardless, when children are involved, the non-custodial parent still has a responsibility to his or her children.

This responsibility is generally set forth in the form of a written agreement that is enforceable through the court system. While the majority of parents want to provide for their children and see to it that these children are taken care of, there are those parents who do not do their part in taking care of the children. These parents have been the target of several law enforcement operations across the country.

Recently, one state’s law enforcement officers conducted an investigation that led to the arrest of 135 individuals who were delinquent in child support payments. As a result, over $60,000 in back child support was collected. This money can now be used to benefit the children that it was intended for.

Providing for their children is the responsibility of every Connecticut parent. When one parent fails to do so, the child is the one who ultimately suffers. Once a parent realizes that the non-custodial parent is not upholding his or her part in terms of child support, it may be time review the case with legal counsel and consider taking further action

Source: Los Alamos Daily Post, “Governor: 135 Arrested In Child Support Roundup”, Carol A. Clark, Sept. 28, 2016