Connecticut couples learn to adapt and adjust as time and circumstance impact their relationships. Life changes, such as the birth of a child, a new career or the death of a loved one, can impact a relationship and cause stress. Even an injury to one spouse can create the beginnings of change in a once blissful and happy relationship. When the stress begins to turn into domestic violence, one should seek help, and leaving the relationship may be the only option.

A man in another state has been arrested and is being charged with domestic violence after rigging the front door of his home into an electrical booby trap. Investigators believe the trap was intended for his estranged pregnant wife, but his plan was thwarted when the 32-year-old’s father-in-law contacted police requesting a security check on the man’s home. The call was prompted by some comments the husband had made.

When authorities approached the front door of the husband’s home, they noticed that it had been barricaded and that scorch marks marked the door by the handle. Upon forcing the door open, police heard a loud noise and saw several electrical devices hooked up to the door lock and handle. Had the door been opened properly by any unsuspecting person, the electrical shock received would have caused severe injuries to the arms, chest and heart, possibly leading to death. Upon questioning, investigators learned from the estranged wife that the husband’s mental health had been deteriorating after he sustained a head injury during a fall.

When a good relationship begins to sour, some partners may lash out with physical violence as a way of maintaining control. Others use violence towards a loved one when the world in general is out of their control and the closest people to them seem to bear the burden. Removing oneself from a domestic violence situation is paramount to keeping one safe. Other legal issues such as divorce, child custody and restraining orders can be handled by a Connecticut attorney.

Source:, “Police: Florida man rigged door in attempt to electrocute pregnant wife”, Dec. 29, 2017